• The Committee

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    Hebe Yu



    Hebe is a third year studying English at Christ Church. She’s interested in reading poetry with innovative poetic form, but finds the process of actually writing it rather daunting.

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    Hermán Luis Chavez



    Hermán Luis Chávez is a postgraduate studying for the MSt in Modern Languages (Spanish). They have served as Managing Editor of Cicada Creative Magazine and Spiritus Mundi: A Collective Memory, and have taught at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop and at the University of California at Los Angeles. Their poetry can be found in Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Barely South Review, and Greyrock Review, among others. In 2020, a collection of their poems won the Second Prize in Poetry from the English Department at Colorado State University. Beyond poetry, they enjoy experiencing music, food, and magic with loved ones. You can often find them musing about gender or wandering about Oxford, trying to look like a mysterious flaneur (though they're most likely giving lost puppy).

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    Olivier Yasar de France



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    Matilda Kennedy

    Events Coordinator


    Matilda Kennedy is a 2nd year at Somerville studying Classics and Italian. She likes playing chess and football. Her favourite poets are Charles Bukowksi, Savannah Brown, Thom Yorke and Ovid. She enjoys writing about womanhood and cats. She self identifies as a creep and a weirdo and often wonders what the hell she is doing here.

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    Francesco Cipriani

    Events Coordinator


    Francesco is a postgraduate student doing an MSt in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature at Jesus College. Originally Italian from Verona, Francesco moved to England in 2013. A published poet, he is also a huge football fan, playing for the Oxford University first team of which he is vice-captain.

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    Alice Brooker

    Treasurer, ASH Editor


    Alice is a rusticated English Literature undergraduate. Her work has been published with Artemesia Arts, Last Stanza Poetry Journal and the Young Poets Network. In 2023 she was short-listed for the Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize and won the Wildfire Words’ New Voices First Pamphlet Award. She primarily writes on the topics of mental health and nature, focusing on the poetic and personal essay forms. Alice is also a columnist and editor for The Oxford Blue, and when not writing can be found serving or drinking coffee! Her favorite poets are Andrew Motion and Emily Rose Galvin.


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    Eleanor Harvey

    ASH Editor


    Eleanor is a 3rd year English student at Somerville, occasional poet, and part-time American. When she's not slogging through the sixteen and seventeen hundreds, she is a scatterbrained reader. She often ends up returning to the same poems, over and over again (currently - Auden’s ‘First Things First,’ Heaney’s ‘Postscript,’ Thom Gunn’s ‘Autobiography’). She loves poetry in all its forms (quietly putting aside her burning hatred for acrostic and concrete poems) and can’t wait to experience everything Oxford’s poets have to offer!


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